Cork Printmakers Christmas Print Fair

30th November – 15th December: Mon-Fri 10am -1pm; plus 7th December 5pm-7pm

Location: Wandesford Quay, Clarkes Bridge, T12E26D

Description: Cork Printmakers Christmas Print Fair showcases affordable original fine art prints made by members of Cork Printmakers at our studio on Wandesford Quay. We have a wide range of artworks including screenprints, etchings, woodcuts and more by over 100 artists.  There are prints at all price points and sizes available to purchase, weekday mornings plus one Thursday late. can't make it? See our online shop 


Day/ Date: 30th November – 15 December: Monday – Friday 10am -1pm; plus special late opening Thursday 7 December 5pm-7pm


Time: 10am - 1pm weekdays, 5-7pm Thursday 7th 

Free Event

Booking required: Only outside of opening times - contact us



Queries to: enquiries@corkprintmakers.ieor 021 432 2422

Social Links: Instagram, Facebook, X (Twitter)


Image Credit: Artist Shane O’Driscoll, Balthazar, digital print, 2015