Cork City Council Welcomes Town and Village Funding Award


3 February 2020

Cork City Council has welcomed the recent announcement by Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, of a €200k funding award for projects in Blarney and Upper Glanmire under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2020.

Blarney community groups have been awarded funding to improve pedestrian safety and to enhance the overall public realm of the village centre. While the Upper Glanmire Community Association Ltd will receive funding to be used for the construction of an innovative geodesic dome in an existing community garden.

The Blarney scheme, supported by Blarney community groups, identified a series of targeted interventions to improve pedestrian safety and to enhance the overall public realm of the village centre. The scheme will involve significant enhancements to the village square including: an outdoor parklet seating area; pedestrian walkways and a pedestrian priority zone in the village square; a new interpretative tourism signage and wayfinding scheme for the village; and an overall village health check and car-parking study for the village.


The Upper Glanmire scheme involves the construction of an innovative geodesic dome in a community garden; improved accessibility to the community association grounds; a rain-harvesting system for the community association building; road safety measures; and landscaping improvements to the village.

The Town and Village Renewal Scheme is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development and administered through Local Authorities, in consultation with local communities. The scheme supports public-realm type activities and the enhancement of town centre amenities, particularly where this aids the economic and/or social recovery of a town or village. The 2020 Town and Village Renewal Scheme had a particular focus on projects delivering an economic dividend and enabling towns and villages to respond to COVID-19 challenges.


A call for proposals was issued by Cork City Council in July 2020.  Eligible communities were invited to submit Expressions of Interest to the fund. Following receipt of these expressions, a multi-stakeholder community consultation process took place in selected communities .


Chief Executive of Cork City Council Ann Doherty commented: “I wish to commend the communities of Blarney and Upper Glanmire in securing awards under the Town and Village programme. It is a testament to the work and commitments of those individuals and communities concerned that this funding was secured. It is clear that these projects will lead to meaningful improvements in lives of residents of both communities.“


Welcoming the announcement, Lord Mayor of Cork City Cllr. Joe Kavanagh stated: “This is the second consecutive year that communities of Cork City have been successful in securing support under the Town and Village fund. The past year has shown us, more than ever, how much we rely on our local communities and it has rekindled our sense of pride in where we live. The Town and Village funding announced today is another step to help communities get back on their feet and adapt to the ongoing challenges COVID-19 presents and will help make our City a safer place to live, work and do business .”

 Both successful projects were announced by Minister Humphreys in January and will commence roll-out in early 2021.

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