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Foyer Federation

The Foyer Federation is a not-for-profit organisation that helps to transform the circumstances of young people who have faced barriers in their lives. Since 1992, they have worked with young people to create new approaches developing the skills and resources they need to thrive.


The Foyer Status Mark quality assures ‘Foyerness’ as a process of transitional support and holistic development. The Foyer Status Mark can be used by any organisation that applies a Foyer-like process to achieve thriving outcomes for young people.


A service can be accredited as a Foyer by applying and benchmarking against the Three Tests of ‘Foyerness’, which are assessed throughout the Foyer Status Mark validation process. These define the FOCUS on Advantaged Thinking, its Opportunity Offer and the Achievement of Results and Insights that underpin the Foyer process. The Three Tests allow flexibility in how a service shapes and delivers its offer according to local need while, at the same time, emphasising the distinct values and ethos that has been at the heart of the Foyer Accreditation Scheme since 1998.


We are committed to maintaining a strong relationship with the Foyer Federation and use their independent quality assurance services to re-accredit the status of the Cork Foyer every three years. This international relationship allows us to ensure that we are pioneering and that we are able to proactively influence innovation and strategic direction locally.

Today, the Foyer network reaches around 10,000 young people each year. Evidence suggests that 75% of young people accessing Foyers go on to make positive progress through better education, employment, health and housing options.

The Cork Foyer has been accredited by the Foyer Federation since 2007. At the 2018 Foyer Federation Spark Awards, the Cork Foyer was voted Foyer of the Year.

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