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Cork City businesses encouraged to sign up to Customer Service Charter

Registration for new training programme for retail and hospitality businesses now open

Customer service charter logo

Following on from the launch of the Cork City Customer Service Charter, businesses across Cork City are now being encouraged to sign up for the training programme in a bid to see Cork become a city of excellent customer service.

The Customer Service Charter, which is the first of its kind in Europe, was developed by Cork City Centre Forum – a collaboration between various business and public sector groups in the city – with the aim of establishing Cork as a city of superior customer service and assisting the city’s journey in becoming one of the friendliest, most liveable and sustainable cities globally.

The training programme, run by the Local Enterprise Office (LEO) Cork City, is now open for registration.  There are a limited number of spaces on each programme, on a first come basis.

The programme comprises of a Briefing Session for owners/managers on March 26 with leading retail consultant James Burke of James Burke & Associates, followed by a Train the Trainer Workshop on April 2 for key senior staff who will then be equipped to deliver the training to other staff/teams in the business. 

The training workshop will give an overview of the Cork City Customer Service Charter presented by a Charter Team Member and business owner. There will also be a session on understanding the difference between ‘good’ and ‘great’ service; and practical training on great customer service principles linking to the Customer Service Charter, plus much more.

Participants will also be taken on an ‘Inspire’ tour of The Crawford Art Gallery, which will be led by one of the Charter Team. Each attendee will be provided with Train the Trainer materials, which can be used to train the staff and teams in each business. 

Following on from the workshop there will be a number of mystery shopper visits to assist in assessing the impact of the workshop and training. Each business will be provided with its own feedback as a guide to identify best practice and areas for improvement.

In 2018, 15 city centre businesses took part in a pilot programme to help develop the Charter and training initiative. This new programme is open everyone who interfaces with the public in Cork City, from retailers to the hospitality industry, to hairdressers and taxi drivers, and public servants.  It costs just €60 per business.

For further information on the training programme and to register see:

For more information on the Customer Service Charter see