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Proposed Variation No. 6 of the Cork City Development Plan 2015 - 2021

Planning & Development Act 2000 (as amended)

Notice of Proposed Variation No. 6 (Tramore Road/Kinsale Road Site) of the Cork City Development Plan 2015 - 2021

Notice is hereby given that Cork City Council, in accordance with Section 13(2) of the Planning & Development Act 2000 (as amended),  has prepared the Proposed Variation No. 6 (Tramore Road/Kinsale Road Site) of the Cork City Development Plan 2015-2021. 

The proposed variation relates to the re-zoning of a 3.2 hectare site of the former creamery at the corner of Tramore Road and Kinsale Road, from “Light Industry and Related Uses” to  “Residential, Local Services & Institutional Uses” in order to facilitate an orderly redevelopment of the subject lands for residential and related uses.

Copies of the proposed variation may be inspected at the following locations from 27th September to 25th October 2019, inclusive.

  • City Hall, Anglesea Street 10.00am - 4.00pm, Mon - Fri
  • Central Library, Grand Parade10.00am - 5.30pm, Mon - Sat
  • Tory Top Library, Ballyphehane 10.00am - 5.30pm, Tues - Sat

The proposed variation can also be viewed online:

Written submissions received at City Hall by not later than 5.00 pm, 25th October 2019 will be taken into consideration before the making of the Proposed Variation.

Submissions should be addressed to:

Fearghal Reidy, Director of Services, Strategic & Economic Development Directorate, Cork City Council, City Hall; or email


Dated: 27th September 2019

Proposed Variation no. 6 (Tramore Road Kinsale Road Site) to the Cork City Development Plan 2015-2021.pdf (size 2.5 MB)

Public Notices