Republican Newspapers
Newspaper Eire Ireland Vol. 1 Edition 1, 26th Oct 1914
An Claideam Soluis (The`Sword of Light) (2)
1919 (1)
1920 (4)
1921 (16)
1922 (3)
Fainne Na Lae (Ring of the Day) (1)
Fianna Fail (by Terence MacSwiney) (11)
Irish Freedom (Saoirse Na hEireann) (2)
Nationality (by Arthur Griffith)
Volume:-01 (1917)
Edition: 01-15 (15)
Edition: 16-30 (14)
Edition: 31-46 (13)
-Volume: 02 (1918)
Edition: 01-15 (14)
Edition: 16-30 (11)
Edition: 31-52 (14)
-Volume: 03 (1919)
Edition: 01-15 (13)
Edition: 16-32 (6)
Poblacht Na Eireann (National Edition) (70)
Poblacht Na Eireann (Southern Edition) (7)
Poblacht Na Eireann (Scottish Edition) (1)
The Free State- An Saorstat (2)
Police and Propaganda
Police Gazette: Hue-And-Cry (2)