Each person who, in the preceding year, was a member of a local authority is required, under Section 19E of the Local Elections (Disclosure of Donations and Expenditure) Act 1999 to furnish to their Local Authority, not later than 31st January, a Donation Statement indicating whether during the preceding calendar year the members received a donations exceeding €600 in value.
Notice is hereby given that statements furnished by Elected Members of Cork City Council in respect of the year 2023 are now available for inspection at the offices of Cork City Council, City Hall, Anglesea Street, Cork during normal office hours.
The attached statement lists all declarations and the date received.
Donation-Statement-2023.pdf (size 112.2 KB)
Obligations on Third Parties under the provisions of the Local Elections (Disclosure of Donations and Expenditure) Act 1999 as amended.
"Third Party" is defined in the legislation as "any person, other than a political party registered in the Register of Political Parties under Part III of the Electoral Act 1992 as amended or a candidate at an election, who accepts, in a particular year, a donation the value of which exceeds €100. Individuals or organisations within the administrative area of Cork City Council who consider that the above provisions apply to them must make a return to Nuala Stewart, Administrative Officer, Corporate Affairs and International Relations Directorate, City Hall, Anglesea Street, Cork City before 31st March, 2024.
Third-Party-Guidelines.pdf (size 322.2 KB)
Circular-F.10-13.pdf (size 81.2 KB)Circular-F.04-22---Reporting-by-Third-Parties.pdf (size 171.4 KB)