Latest News

23 April 2023 

Cork Public Museum receives Full Heritage Council MSPI Accreditation

Cork Public Museum, Ireland’s oldest Local Authority Museum, was officially notified that they had achieved Full Accreditation under the Heritage Council’s Mus...

21 April 2023 

Cork City hosts WHO Healthy Cities Political Committee Meeting

Cork City hosts the World Health Organisation Healthy Cities Political Committee Meeting in Cork City Council on Friday April 21st.  

19 April 2023 

Cork’s newest bridge to be lifted into place

Cork’s newest bridge, located over the N40 South Ring Road, will to be lifted into place overnight tomorrow.

14 April 2023 

Cork City Council Launches Community Climate Action Fund

Cork City Council is making €840,000 available to community organisations across the city to support them to take collective action on climate change.

5 April 2023 

Pride in our Community 2023 Competition Launched

The Pride in our Community competition is organised by Cork County Federation Muintir na Tíre and sponsored by Cork County Council and Cork City Council.

4 April 2023 

Rightsizing Opportunities for Council Tenants

Cork City Council seeking to increase awareness around rightsizing opportunities for council tenants and private homeowners.

31 March 2023 

Guidance for tenants served a termination notice

Information for tenants in Cork City who receive a Notice of Termination

31 March 2023 

Help us name Cork City's newest bridge!

Cork City Council is looking for your help in the naming of the new bridge currently being built from over the N40/South Ring Road for pedestrians and cyclists...

28 March 2023 

2023 Painting Grant Scheme announced

2023 Painting Grant Cork City Council has announced details of the 2023 Painting Grant Scheme for the City Centre Island Quays Areas. announced.

27 March 2023 

A wonderful week of walks ahead with Corks Lifelong Learning Festival

This year's Lifelong Learning festival features a series of 23 individual outdoor walks that will appeal to all.