Commencement of survey of residents of Killeens and Glanmire
14th April 2023
From June 12th, residents and businesses in Glanmire and Killeens will have an opportunity to complete an on-line survey about the quality and range of services available in their areas. This survey is part of the consultation process in a health check that is being carried out in both areas. Funding for the health check has been obtained from the Dept of Community and Rural Affairs, through the Town and Village Renewal Scheme. Cork City Council is working with consultants, the Planning Partnership, Glanmire Area Community Association and Killeens Development group in the rollout of the health check surveys.
The objective of each of the health check surveys is to assist in creating more vibrant and appealing places for people of all ages, through intelligent and forward-thinking solutions to overcome infrastructural, logistical and environmental challenges, realising the most harmonious and sustainable solutions that respect the environment and drive town centre renewal challenges. The completion of the questionnaire will provide the City Council with the data to plan and implement these solutions.
See link for Glanmire Questionnaire below:
See link for Killeens Questionnaire below:
The community, sports and voluntary organisations working in the Glanmire and Killeens area are also encouraged to get as many as possible of their members to complete the questionnaire.
The closing date for the completion of the questionnaires is July 10th, 2023. In-person meetings will be held with residents and businesses on the week beginning June 26th. Further details to follow.
For further information, contact the Economic Development Section, Cork City Council at 021 238 98 56.