Cork City Celebrates National Biodiversity Week
19 May 2020
Cork City is very fortunate to have such great array of natural heritage. Many mammals, birds, invertebrates and wild plants have adapted to life alongside humans in our urban landscape. Areas such as public open spaces and parks, walkways, graveyards and the gardens of suburban houses all provide urban habitats and sanctuary for wildlife in the city.
An unintended positive outcome of the COVID-19 crisis is that nature and biodiversity is thriving under this national lockdown.
As travel restriction becomes our new reality and life has slowed down for many people we can take the opportunity to notice nature more whether it is in birds and butterflies in our back garden, wildflowers on road verges, otters in the rivers or duckling at the Lough.
Cork City has prepared a variety of resources that may help you explore the nature in your area. These include:
- Gardening for Biodiversity
- A Guide to Nature in the City
- Kids Biodiversity Explorers Education Pack
These can be downloaded for free from