Cork City Council welcomes latest publication of the IBAL Report
Cork City Council is pleased that Cork City Centre has again performed well in the Litter Survey. This is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the City Council’s street sweeping crews who are out 7 days a week from early morning to late in the evening.
The rankings in relation Mahon and the North City area are however disappointing and do not reflect the work carried out by both the City Council and Community Groups in these two areas.
Of the 35 areas surveyed there were 6 Grade As, 4 Grade B+, 15 Grade Bs, 5 Grade C+s, Grade Cs and 1 Grade D.
The lower grade rankings represent localised instances of littering and do not reflect the overall level of cleanliness of the areas.
During 2019 Cork City Council will be taking the following measures to tackle the ongoing issue of Illegal dumping:-
- Work with established community groups to gather information and organise clean-ups.
- Door to door interaction with people to establish what waste collection service they have as well as gathering information on possible dumpers.
- Target those that do not have evidence of waste collection service in the areas.
- Awareness campaign in relation to dumping and its environmental effects.
- Promotion campaigns through local media.
- Enforcement of new waste presentation bye-laws
- Prosecution of individuals found to be dumping.
Cork City Council has a role in the upkeep of the public realm, however we cannot solve the problem of littering on our own. Tackling the issue must be done in conjunction and partnership with all the citizens of our city and an element of personal responsibility must be brought to bear to resolve the scourge of littering and illegal dumping.
Cork City Council will be reviewing the IBAL report findings with a view to assessing what changes, further actions or new initiatives need to be carried out to help bring about better outcomes for the whole City in future surveys.