Irish Water and Cork City Council are working to restore normal water supply to areas of Cork city
Irish Water and Cork City Council are aware of an increase in reports of discoloured water and water quality issues in some areas of Cork city.
Investigations have been carried out in the affected areas to identify the source of these water issues and remedial actions are underway to resolve as soon as possible.
Water leaving Irish Water’s treatment plants is continuously tested to ensure it meets all drinking water standards. Water is also regularly tested at customer delivery points to ensure the highest standards are met.
Pat Britton of Irish Water said “We have had calls from customers in the South Douglas Road and Montenotte areas over the last week, and we have been trying to locate the source of the issue. We are currently carrying out remedial works in an attempt to resolve the matter.
“If water from your kitchen tap looks orange or brown, Irish Water and Cork City Council recommend running the kitchen tap for a few minutes to see if the water returns to a clear colour. If the water does not run clear, contact Irish Water Customer Care Team 24/7 on 1800 278 278 and it will be investigated. Do not drink discoloured water.”