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Arts Grants 2020

Cork City Council Grants 2020 under the Arts Act 1973 and 2003 and Cork City Council Arts Office Schemes 2020

Cork City Council invites applications to the following schemes:

Arts Grants 2020 under the Arts Act 1973 and 2003

Grants are available to community, voluntary and professional arts organisations throughout the Cork city area.

Project Scheme 2020

Individual Artist Bursary Awards 2020

Arts in Context 2020

The above three schemes are designed to create opportunities for artists, arts organisations and communities to create new work and to support the professional development of artists.

Further information on all schemes and application forms can be downloaded in pdf here  

Applications should be made on the official application form which is available in word format and large print on request, by email to

Deadline for all schemes is 4PM on THURSDAY, 21ST NOVEMBER 2019.

Completed application forms, accompanied by the documentation specified on the application form, should be returned to the Arts Office, Community Culture & Placemaking, City Hall, Anglesea St., Cork.

Public Notices