Community Boundary FAQs
If community groups or organisations working in the transfer area have queries, which local authority can they be sent to?
Cork City Council and Cork County Council are keen to ensure the changeover has a minimal affect on the many groups and organisations doing excellent work in this area. Cork City Council is engaging with local communities and meeting groups in the transfer area through 2019. The Community & Enterprise Unit in Cork City Council is planning a series of ‘Meet & Greet’ sessions with community organisations in the extended boundary area. The focus of these sessions will be for community groups to meet with the Community & Enterprise team in Cork City Council and for the Community & Enterprise Team to get to know the groups in the extended area. These are planned for every fortnight and will take place both in City Hall but also in the extended area by invitation. Dates and locations will be circulated as they are finalised.
Who do I contact regarding the SICAP Programme (Social Inclusion & Community Activation Programme) programme if my area is transferring to the City?
There is no change to the SICAP programme for the remainder of the current contract which continues until 2022. The current local development company who oversee this programme in the extended area is SECAD and they will continue to operate the programme. In addition, Cork County Council’s LCDC (Local Community Development Committee) will continue to oversee the programme in the extended area.
Who do I contact for information on the LEADER programme if my area is now forming part of the new extended City area?
The two Local Development Companies, i.e. Avondhu/Blackwater Partnership and SECAD Partnership will continue to operate the LEADER programme in the extended area until the end of the current programme in 2020. Cork County Council in conjunction with the three Cork County Local Action Groups will continue to oversee the programme. Information will continue to be made available via the South Cork LEADER website,
I am a member of a community that will now form part of the extended City transfer area - can I continue to apply to Cork County Council for this grant fund?
After May 31st 2019, your community/organisation will need to contact Cork City Council to avail of this fund. This is a national fund and Cork City Council will be offering the same grant scheme. The only change is that you will now be making your application to Cork City Council.
I work with the Tidy Towns. Who can I talk to about assisting with clean ups etc?
Cork City Council has been meeting with Tidy Towns groups in the area to transfer to the city. We want to give every encouragement to these groups who are a huge asset to their communities. Tidy Towns Committees can make contact with the Parks Department or Community section via Cork City Council's Customer Services line at 021 4924444.
If a post primary school or a pupil of a post primary school in the transfer area has a query about the Cork City Comhairle Na nÓg, where do they find the contact details and information for the City Comhairle?
The city co-ordinators are Joy Cantwell-Moore and Carolyn Collier. They can be contacted at and All details can be found on
Can I register to be a member of the Older Persons Council Plenary in Cork County if I am in the new transfer area?
From May 31st 2019, if you reside in the new transfer area you will no longer be eligible to become a member of the Older Persons Council Plenary in County Cork. However, you can register with the Older Persons Forum in Cork City instead. For further information please visit: or ring 021-4924076 or email
Can I become a member of the Older Persons Council Executive in Cork County?
From May 31st 2019, if you reside in the new transfer area you will no longer be eligible to become a member of the Older Persons Council Executive in County Cork. However, you can apply to become a member of the Older Persons Forum in Cork City instead. For further information please visit: or ring 021-4924076 or email
Can I attend the Older Persons Celebratory events/information events?
From May 31st 2019, if you reside in the new extended boundary area you should register with the Older Persons Forum in Cork City and in turn you will be updated on their events. For further information please visit: or ring 021-4924076 or email
Can I participate in the Age Friendly Business Programme if I am in the new transfer area?
From May 31st 2019 you will no longer be eligible to participate in the Age Friendly Business Programme in the Cork County. However, if you contact the Cork City Council Age Friendly City Programme you can obtain a list of their programmes on offer.
I am a member of a community who will now form part of the transfer area - can I continue to apply to Cork County Council for this grant fund?
From May 31st 2019 only communities/organisations based in the County area can avail of this fund. This fund is an initiative of Cork County Council so it won’t be available in the City area however, Cork City Council has their own suite of grants available which you can now avail of. These will be advertised on the Cork City Council website and via local press.
My community/voluntary/social Inclusion/environmental group is registered with Cork County Public Participation Network (PPN) but is based in the area which will come within Cork City Council’s administrative area. Will I be notified of the changes affecting my group’s membership of Cork County PPN and of how I can apply to become a member of Cork City PPN?
Yes- an email will issue in April 2019 informing all existing members of Cork County PPN of the process involved in the boundary extension and what it will mean for them. The composition of the PPN Secretariat in both local authorities will be reconfigured in both local authorities to take account of the boundary changes. PPN members can hold membership of both PPNs.
My group, which is based within the City Council administrative area, is not currently registered with the PPN, but is eligible to become a member. I want to register my group with the PPN. Who should I contact?
Absolutely. At present, there are almost 100 members in Cork City PPN. You should register with Cork City PPN by emailing them at