Model Publication Scheme
Publication Scheme under Freedom of Information Act, 2014.
Cork City Council Council has prepared and published a Publication Scheme concerning the information of the Council in conformity with a Model and Guidelines made by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform under Section 8 of the Freedom of Information Act, 2014.
The Scheme comes into effect on the 14th April, 2016.
The Scheme is designed to facilitate the provision of information to the greatest extent possible, except for information exempted under the Act and, in preparing, reviewing or revising a Publication Scheme, an FOI body shall have regard to the public interest in:
- allowing public access to information held by the FOI body;
- the publication of reasons for decisions made by the FOI body; and
- publishing information of relevance or interest to the general public in relation to its activities and functions generally.
The Scheme is web based with links from it to information under six headings as set out below which will be updated as provided for under the Act. A hard copy will be available for viewing by appointment also.
Six Information Sets:
- Information will be provided under the following six headings:
A. Information About the FOI Body,
B. Functions and Public Services Provided or to be provided
C. Decision Making procedures,
D. Financial Information,
E. Procurement,
F. Information Routinely Published and Miscellaneous
Who we are and what we do, Organisational information, structures, locations and contacts.
In this section FOI Bodies will provide details of:
- Establishment of Organisation
- Roles
- Responsibilities
- Functions
- Governance arrangements
- Management arrangements
- Corporate Plans and Strategies
- Annual Report
- Organisation Structure
- Pay/Grading Structures
- Locations and contact details for the organisation
- Links to agencies/other bodies under the FOI body’s remit
- Details of Service Level Agreements / Memoranda of Understanding, if any
- Customer Charters
- Codes of Practice or Guidelines
The services we offer: Details of functions and services that the organisation provides and the decision making process
In this section FOI bodies provide details of:
1. Services provided for public including administration of an enactment / scheme (e.g. grant schemes):
- Rental Accommodation Scheme
- Housing Assistance Payment Scheme
- Housing Allocation
- Cork Foyer
- Traveller Accommodation
- Asset Management & Maintenance
- Transportation
- Roads Construction & Design
- Plant & Machinery
Strategic Planning, Economic Development & Enterprise
Corporate Affairs & International Relations
- Franchise
- Arts
- Higher Education Grant
- Property
- Community Development
- Customer Care
- Freedom of Information
- A.I.E
- International Relations
- Archives
- Libraries
- Museum
- Venue Hire
Environment, Recreation & Amenity
- Environment
- Recreation
- Marathon
2. How such services can be accessed:
- Choice Based Letting
- Cork Foyer
- Housing Maintenance
- Housing Forms
- Planning Forms
Corporate Affairs & International Relations
Environment & Recreation
- Environment Forms
- Recreation & Amenity Forms
- Cork City Marathon
3. How much such services cost to access, if any:
Roads & Transportation
Strategic Planning & Economic Development
Environment, Recreation & Amenity
Litter Fines
Dog Fouling
4. Administration of such services
5. Review or appeal rights relating to such services:
- Housing Maintenance
- Cork Foyer Right of Appeal
Strategic Planning & Economic Development
Corporate Affairs & International Relations
Environment & Recreation
6. Research projects undertaken in respect of these functions / services
How we make decisions on policies: Decision Making processes and records of decisions
In this section FOI bodies provide details of:
1. Major policy proposals including any public consultation exercises:
Strategic Planning & Economic Development
2. Background information relating to major policy proposals and decisions
3. Reports on the operation of public services by the FOI body:
- Cork Foyer Publications
- Traveller Accommodation
4. Expenditure reviews
5. Policy assessments
What we spend: Financial information relating to income and expenditure
FOI bodies provide the following information in this section:
- Financial statements Annual Financial Statement
- Major plans for Capital Expenditure
- Payments or Purchase Orders for goods and services
- Governance Board Member remuneration
- Funding / Sponsorship of non-public bodies
How we spend: Information relating to how we procure goods and services
FOI bodies provide the following details in this section:
- Procurement policies
- A link to all current tender competitions on the eTenders website
- Public contracts awarded including contract type, contractor, value, award date, duration and brief description (tabular format) over €10k for ICT and over €25k for other contracts.
Other information: FOI bodies publish the type of information listed below as appropriate, in addition to any other information that would provide information to the public.
For example:-
- FOI Disclosure Log
- Reports
- Commercial publications and relative charges Library Publications
- Information held by the body which is sought regularly :See FOI Disclosure Log F 1 above.
Further Information
For more information on the Publication Scheme please contact the FOI Office at 021 4924000 or email:
March 2022.
- Bye-Laws
- Customer Service Requests
- Book of Condolence
- Events Hosting and Licences
- Rates
- Boundary Extension
- Consultation Portal
- Customer Care
- Freedom of information
- Model Publication Scheme
- Re-use of Public Sector Information
- Spending and Revenue
- Law Agents Fees
- Publications
- Mapping Portal
- Protected Disclosures