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Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations

Cork City Council is subject to the EU Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005 (as amended by SI 103/2008 and SI 525/2015).  The regulations are available at 


Information posted on this website may be downloaded and re-used free of charge without application with the following exceptions:

  • Photographs and artwork of any kind,
  • Brochures, leaflets or other documents whose author is not Cork City Council.  These items should include a logo or information about the author.
  • Documents, plans, maps, drawings, sketches, photographs etc. which are posted on the website for the purposes of enabling the material to be inspected at another time or place or to otherwise facilitate public inspection, (for example plans, maps, drawings submitted in connection with planning applications or as part of an application for a service, grant, licence etc),
  • Other maps of any kind,
  • Any other documents/information in respect of which third parties hold intellectual property rights, including copyright.

Intellectual property rights are likely to be held for material provided by a third party, including links to other websites from this site.  Permission to copy or use any such material must be obtained from the holder or the intellectual property right.  Please note that information and documents obtained from this website may only be reproduced and/or re-used subject to the latest PSI licence available at

Cork City Council is not liable for any loss or liability associated with the re-use of information and does not certify that the information is up-to-date or error free.  The Council does not authorise any user to have exclusive rights to re-use the information.


Public Sector Information which is not available as set out above many be applied for by writing to:

Freedom of Information Officer,
Corporate and External Affairs,
Cork City Council,
City Hall,
Anglesea Street,

The application must be for the release of documents for re-use and must state clearly that the request is for the re-use of public sector information.


The following charges will apply:

  • €20 per hour in respect of the time spent in producing, collecting and reproducing the information for re-use.
  • €0.04 per photocopy
  • €10 for a CD-ROM

Details of the charges will be given to the applicant before the information is released.


The PSI Regulations provide that Cork City Council shall generally respond to a PSI request within 20 working days from receipt of the request.  Where, due to the extent or complexity of the request, processing will take longer than 20 working days from receipt of the request, Cork City Council shall advise the requester accordingly.  In such circumstances Cork City Council should respond in full to the request within 40 working days from receipt of the request.


Appeal of decisions of Public Bodies under the PSI Regulations.

The PSI Regulations provide a statutory appeals mechanism (vested in the Office of the Information Commissioner) whereby a requester may appeal against:

  • a decision of a public body to refuse to allow the re-use of a document,
  • a decision of a public body to refuse to grant an exclusive right to re-use a document,
  • the imposition of a fee for re-use of a document,
  • the amount of a fee imposed, or
  • any conditions to re-use imposed by a public body

Any appeal must be sent to the Information Commissioner in a legible form within four weeks after the notification of the decision by the public body to the requester.
The Information Commissioner may grant an extension to the appeal period where he/she is of the opinion that there are reasonable grounds to allow such an extension.
The Information Commissioner shall, having heard an appeal, decide whether to affirm, vary or annul the decision of the public body.