Arts Programme
The Cork City Council Arts and Culture Strategy 2022 - 2026 identifies five areas of strategic priority which represent a range of ambitions for arts and culture in Cork. These priorities do not exist in isolation, rather complement and reinforce each other to advance our long-term goals.
As well as these five strategic priorities, the twin themes of Representation and Environmental Sustainability will course through all of the work of Cork City Council Arts Office, informing the actions that we will take to achieve our objectives.
A triad of enabling practices will contribute to our success in meeting our strategic priorities: Partnership, Communication and Engagement, and Learning .

Art for Everyone
The freedom to participate in the cultural life of your community and to enjoy the arts is a human right. Art for Everyone recognises this.

Space for Art
Over the next five years, alongside the planned major capital developments of the Events Centre and Crawford Art Gallery, Cork City Council Arts Office will explore and advance opportunities to augment space for art sustainably across the city.

Art in the Public Realm
We look forward to contributing to making Cork’s public spaces safe, attractive, and inclusive, for the enjoyment of everyone.

A City for Artists
Over the next five years, Cork City Council Arts Office will take important steps towards achieving the culture and conditions that will affirm Cork City as an attractive and feasible home for artists and arts professionals.

Capacity and Influence
Over the period of this strategy we will invest in people, knowledge and advocacy to encourage and enable the pursuit of our shared ambitions for arts and culture in Cork City.