Natural Heritage and Biodiversity
A Walk in the Wild Side for Biodiversity Week 2024 (May 17th – 26th)
Cork City Council is delighted to announce a number of outdoor events within Cork City to celebrate Biodiversity Week 2024 (running from May 17th - 26th).
Biodiversity Week is about connecting people with nature. The Biodiversity Week events provide opportunities for the public to learn from biodiversity experts and celebrate our local natural environment.
The Events Brochure is available below and contains links for events registration and further information.
Cork-City-Biodiversity-Week-Events-Guide-2024 pdf.pdf (size 1.9 M
A very successful “Gardening for Biodiversity” course was held on the 19th of February in Ballyphehane Community Centre. Organised by Cork City Council Heritage Officer, Scientific Officer and Cork City Horticulturist and run by Aoife Munn, the training day was very well received with excellent feedback from all the participants.
Course coordinator Aoife Munn stated “The success of the project is due to its simplicity and interactive design. Participants learn why they should protect the environment, how to protect it and who to turn to for support in doing so. The course is tailored to the local community which allows attendees to network with other groups in the area to get more support and they enjoy the course”.
This one-day course covered topics such as avoiding chemicals, vegetable growing, pollinators, rewilding, pond building and composting.
Speaking after the event the Heritage Officer, Niamh Twomey said, “this is a very practical training course showing people simple and cost effect ways for all of us to manage our green spaces, big and small, in an environmental and sustainable way”.
Cork City Council in partnership with Cork Nature Network and Cork Environmental Forum with the support of Dept of Housing, Local Government and Heritage has produced 2 short films to promote this amazing biodiversity in Cork City
Nature in Cork City was produced by Cork Nature Network and explores where in Cork city we can explore, interact, and enjoy the diverse natural heritage of Cork City
How to Invite Biodiversity Into Your Urban Garden introduces us into 6 very different gardens in Cork City and explores how nature is nurtured and encouraged in these spaces.
The Tiny Terrace Garden
The Long Mature Terrace
Large Heritage Rich Garden
Invite Wildlife into Your Garden
Neighbouring Gardens
The Compact Garden
Four illustrations showing the animals and plants you can see every season


Cork City is very fortunate to have such great array of natural heritage. Many mammals, birds, invertebrates and wild plants have adapted to life alongside humans in our urban landscape. Areas such as public open spaces and parks, walkways, graveyards and the gardens of suburban houses all provide urban habitats and sanctuary for wildlife in the city.
An unintended positive outcome of the Covid 19 crisis is that nature and biodiversity is thriving under this national lockdown.
As travel restriction becomes our new reality and life has slowed down for many people we can take the opportunity to notice nature more whether it is in birds and butterflies in our back garden, wildflowers on road verges, otters in the rivers or duckling at the Lough.
Cork City has prepared a variety of resources that may help you explore the nature in your area, which can be downloaded for free. These include:
- Gardening for biodiversity
- A guide to Nature in the City
- Kids Biodiversity Explorers Education Pack
- Saving Swifts Booklet
Further information and advice on natural heritage can be found on the following websites:
- Cork Nature Network
- Cork Environmental Forum
- All Ireland Pollinator Plan
- Biodiversity Ireland
- Heritage Council
The Cork City Development Plan 2015-2021 contains a number of policies for the protection of our natural heritage including trees, landscape and waterways.
The Cork City Heritage Plan identifies key actions for natural heritage and the actions from the Cork City Biodiversity Plan has been incorporated into the Cork City Heritage Plan 2015-2020 Appendix 5.
Ireland’s 3rd National Biodiversity Action Plan for the period 2017-2021 was launched recently.
The Plan sets out actions through which a range of government, civil and private sectors will undertake to achieve Ireland’s ‘Vision for Biodiversity’ and follows on from the work of the first and second National Biodiversity Action Plans.
The Heritage Council supports the Heritage Officer and Biodiversity Officer posts in Cork City Council and in addition, provides support for the delivery of Cork City Heritage and Biodiversity Plan actions. Many of these actions are profiled during National Heritage Week (August), and National Biodiversity Week (May), which the Heritage Council and heritage teams co-ordinate.