Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP)
The Cork City Local Economic & Community Plan (LECP) 2016-2021 “Pure Cork - An Action Plan for the City” is an integrated plan to guide the development of Cork City from an Economic, Community, Cultural, Sporting and Recreation perspective from 2016 to 2021.
The LECP was developed by Cork City Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) and Cork City Council’s Strategic, Planning and Economic Development Strategic Policy Committee (SPED SPC) over a two year period. This involved the engagement of business, community and voluntary organisations, public agencies and social partners operating in the city.
“Pure Cork - An Action Plan for the City” sets out the objectives and actions which will guide the economic and community development of Cork City over six years from 2016 to 2021. This plan will be used to focus the role of Local Government, State Agencies, Community Sector, Local Development Groups and other bodies that are involved in the development of Cork City.
- Cork-Trauma Sensitive City
- Keep Well in the Community
- Sláintecare
- Local Community Development Committee
- Local Economic & Community Plan
- Community Participation
- Community Initiatives
- Supporting Community Groups
- Community Safety
- Community Funding
- Age Friendly
- Lifelong Learning
- Healthy Cities
- Offer a home, offer hope for Ukraine