Supporting Community Groups
Make Way Day
Make Way Day is a public awareness event to highlight the needs of people with disabilities in the public spaces we all share.
Cork City has pursued LGBTI+ inclusion for many years, drawing in the strong vibrant LGBTI+ community in Cork.
Africa Day
Africa Day, designated by the African Union as an annual celebration of the continent’s unity, falls on 25th May each year. Cork City Council in association with African communities in Cork and in partnership with the HSE, Community Gardaí and NGO’s working in this field come together to organise a number of events to celebrate Africa Day every year.
- Cork-Trauma Sensitive City
- Keep Well in the Community
- Sláintecare
- Local Community Development Committee
- Local Economic & Community Plan
- Community Participation
- Community Initiatives
- Supporting Community Groups
- Community Safety
- Age Friendly
- Lifelong Learning
- Healthy Cities
- Offer a home, offer hope for Ukraine