Air Quality
The air that we breathe has significant impacts on our health and well-being.
Cork City Council is committed to maintaining the highest possible air quality throughout the entire city region.
Through the development of an Air Quality Strategy, the creation of a Monitoring Network and the Enforcement of Air Pollution Regulations; Cork City Council aims to continually improve the quality of air for citizens and visitors alike.

Cork City Council Annual Air Quality Report 2022

Clean Air Night 2024

Clean Air Day 2023
On the 7th of September, the United Nations’ International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies (Clean Air Day) will be celebrated for the first time in Ireland – here in Cork City.

Air Quality Monitoring Programme
Air quality monitoring in Cork City Council

Air Quality Standards
CAFE Directive (2008/50/EC) sets air quality standards for member states and has been transposed into Irish legislation by the Air Quality Standards Regulation

Air Quality Strategy
Cork City Council has developed this strategy to specifically address the issue of air quality and pollution.

Air Quality Survey
Cork City Council commissioned an online Air Quality Survey in June 2020 to gain greater insight into the effect that air quality has on the citizens of Cork. The answers provided to the survey, informed the council on how best to develop the Air Quality Strategy.

Electric Vehicle Fleet
Cork City has rolled out a new electric vehicle fleet; part of our ongoing strategy to improve air quality across the city.

Health and Wellbeing
Air quality is important because air contaminants can affect our health and well-being.

Low Smoke Fuel
In 1995, the ban on the sale and distribution of bituminous coal was introduced in Cork City and its direct environs.
- Street Performer's Permit
- Climate Action
- Air Quality
- Energy Initiatives
- Environmental Awareness
- Litter & Street Cleaning
- River Basin Management
- Waste Enforcement
- Civic Amenity Site & Recycling
- Old Cork Waterworks Experience
- Environment Boundary FAQs
- Noise
- Radon Advice
- Solvent and Paint Regulations
- Dangerous Substances Licence
- End-of-Life Vehicle (ELV)