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Circular Economy/Waste Prevention Grants 2025

The Circular Economy/Waste Prevention Grant Scheme 2025

The Circular Economy/Waste Prevention Grants Scheme aims to support the circular economy by encouraging us to rethink how we do things in order not to create waste. Preventing waste is about finding ways to keep items in use for longer and not generating as much waste in the first place. It’s about redesigning, repairing, reusing, building knowledge and skills, changing attitudes and behaviour, working together and thinking creatively by;

  • rethinking the way we do things;
  • redesigning the items we use;
  • repairing and reusing items;
  • building knowledge and skills in the community to facilitate repair and reuse;
  • changing attitudes and behaviour about what we buy and what we throw away;

Water Butt, flower bed flower with bee, water station

But most of all: 

Working together and thinking creatively to do something about it.

Circular Economy/Waste Prevention Grants 2025: Who is eligible?

Cork City Council may pay a circular economy/waste prevention grant up to a maximum of €1,500 to voluntary or community groups; schools; social enterprises; charities for waste prevention/reuse/repair/upcycling projects in their local community. Previous projects that received grant aid included set up of a wormery, rainwater harvesting, water bottle refill stations for schools, textile repair workshops, furniture upcycling and many more.

Click on the following link to access the Circular Economy/Waste Prevention Grant 2025 application process.