Postering in Cork City
This Protocol sets outs arrangements to facilitate authorisation for placement of meeting or event notices on Cork City Council property as provided for in the Litter Pollution Acts 1997 to 2009 Clause 19.1.
Please note that Posters/Notices promoting commercial events are prohibited.
This document provides conditions which must be followed as part of the agreement to put up your poster/notice.
What you need to send:
A Notice of Intent to exhibit your posters/notices on Cork City Council property (which is in or can be seen from a public place) must be submitted to the City Council not less than 3 working days before it is proposed to exhibit such material. This must be sent to us by one of the following methods and we will respond to all fully completed Notices of Intent within 2 working days.
E-mail to:
Post to: Administrative Officer, Street Cleaning and Litter Management, Room 232 City Hall, Cork.
The Notice of Intent must include the following information:
1. All details which are listed in the attached Appendix 1 – “Information to be included in Notice of Intent”
2. A statement that the requirements listed in Appendix 2 –“Health and Safety Requirements” - will be complied with and that all of the people involved in putting up or removing posters have been briefed in relation to its contents and all relevant Health and Safety Legislation.
3. A sample poster/notice must be submitted with the Notice of Intent.
Details which must be put on the Poster/Notice:
The poster must have at a minimum 75% of the poster layout, showing the details of the meeting, and this content must be clearly visible to members of the public. Note for information - The name and picture of the individual hosting the meeting can only take up a maximum 25% of the poster.
The Poster/notice must also carry the name and contact details of the person/organisation that is promoting or arranging the meeting or event (e.g. postal address, email address or website).
A case can be made for withholding this information based on safety concerns, but this must be agreed by us in advance of putting up the posters/notices.
Size and material to be used for poster/notice:
The maximum size of the posters/notices shall be 594 mm x 841mm (A1)
All posters/notices must be made of cardboard composites or other durable recyclable materials.
All posters must be put up at a minimum height of 2.0 metres and a maximum height of 3.0 metres above footpaths, cycle tracks or any area to which pedestrians have access.
When, where and how many Posters/Notices can be put up/taken down:
A maximum of 100 posters will be permitted in respect of each event which is the subject of an application. No individual group shall erect posters at a greater density than one double poster per 100 metres length of roadway.
Posters/notices must not be put up on lamp standards with overhead line electricity feed, traffic signal poles, bridge parapets, overpasses, pedestrian bridges, or roadside traffic barriers.
Posters/notices erected on lamp standards (without overhead electricity feed), public information signs or traffic poles carrying road signage (e.g. stop, yield, parking control, clearway, bus lane, cycle track, pedestrian and/or directional signage) must not obscure any statutory road signage or traffic/pedestrian signals in any way. Posters that obscure statutory road signage or traffic/pedestrian signals will be removed.
All posters/notices must be securely fixed to posts/poles with cable ties or similar material to facilitate removal without damage to posts/poles. Adhesive substances (e.g. glue) or other binding materials may not be used. Metal fixings may not be used. We may remove without notice any poster/notice that is not fixed securely to a post/pole. We may also remove any fallen poster/notice and issue proceedings under the Litter Pollution Acts 1997 to 2009.
Posters are not to be put up more than 30 days prior to a meeting/event, and posters/notices and fixings/cable ties must be removed and recovered from all poles/posts within 7 days after the date of the meeting/event. We may remove authorised posters/notices remaining on display following the expiry of the 7 days referred to in the conditions above.
The Litter Pollution Acts 1997 to 2009 provide for the issuing of an on the spot fine and/or prosecution in respect of posters/notices that are not removed within 7 days after the date of the meeting/event.
Posters/notices will not be authorised on St. Patrick’s Street.
You are required to provide details of your public liability insurance if available on the Appendix 1 (Section 8).