Turnkey Housing Developments
The Council is seeking to increase the number of social and affordable housing units being brought into use, through various delivery mechanisms, including the acquisition of turnkey units on greenfield/brownfield and/or unfinished housing development sites.
Proposals are invited for the supply of turnkey housing developments for social and affordable housing in all towns and villages within the functional area of Cork City Council where a housing need exists.
All submissions must be made in writing and include all information requested.
The submission period will close 4:00p.m. on 30th September 2024.
Applicants to enclose their submission in a sealed envelope marked and addressed as follows:
"Expressions of Interest for the Provision of Turnkey Housing to Cork City Council", F.A.O. Senior Staff Officer, Housing Delivery and Regeneration Directorate, Floor 2, Civic Offices, Anglesea Street, Cork, T12 T99.
For further information please see link to the Briefing Document below:
Turnkey-Acquisitions-Information-Briefing-Document.pdf (size 1.3 MB)