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Choice Based Letting

What is Choice based letting (CBL)?

Cork City Council allocates properties using a website called Choice Based Letting (CBL), which helps applicants on the housing waiting list make decisions on where they would like to live.

City council properties, and properties available for letting with approved housing bodies, are advertised on the CBL website each week, and applicants can submit an expression of interest by bidding on suitable properties which may meet their housing needs. 

The properties are then allocated to the applicant whose position on the list is highest in accordance with Cork City Council’s allocation scheme, considering all relevant information; for example, if the household composition is suitable for the property, credit time and any other relevant circumstances.

How Can I access CBL?

After qualifying for social housing support, you will be issued a letter containing a unique username and PIN, along with a user guide, which helps you to access and use the website. You should read this information carefully to ensure you understand how to use the CBL Website.

Should you need assistance in using the system, there is a CBL support room located next to the housing public counter in City Hall where staff can assist you with any queries you may have. The CBL support room is open from 10:00 to 16:00, Monday to Friday inclusive.

It is important to log on to the CBL system each week and bid on any suitable properties which are advertised.

Are All Properties on CBL?

The following are the types of properties which are not allocated using the CBL system:

  • Available properties in developments which are specifically designated for allocation to the elderly or older persons.
  • Available properties which are adapted to be suitable for persons with a physical or sensory impairment or medical need.
  • Available properties which are required for urgent allocation to Cork City Council tenants arising from specified exceptional circumstances, including; displacement by fire, flood or any other emergency, development, redevelopment, or regeneration of an area by Cork City Council, or exceptional medical or compassionate grounds.

All other available properties are advertised and allocated via the CBL website.

I don't have access to the internet - what can I do?

If you don’t have internet access available to you, there is a CBL support room located next to the housing public counter in City Hall where you can access the system to view available properties and submit expressions of interest.

Internet access is also available at your local library. 

Contact us

By post:

Housing Allocations Section,

Housing Directorate,

City Hall,

Anglesea Street,


T12 T997.

In Person: The Housing Public Counter and CBL Support Room in the Atrium at City Hall are both open from 10:00 to 16:00, Monday to Friday inclusive.

Due to the volume of households on the waiting list, we are unable to offer individual appointments to applicants. However, the staff can assist you with any queries you may have in relation to your application.

By E-mail:

By Telephone: (021) 4924000

Please understand that we receive a very high volume of calls. If you are put through to voicemail, please leave a message with your contact details so we can get back to you.