Summary Social Housing Assessment (SSHA) 2024

Summary Social Housing Assessment 2024

Cork City Council, together with all local authorities across the country, has recently been directed by the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage to prepare a summary of social housing assessments in the City Council’s administrative area, as required under Section 21 of the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009.

 The Summary Social Housing Assessment (SSHA) 2024 is the continuation of the ongoing process of annual assessments of national housing need. The purpose of the process is to identify the current level of national housing need and to provide vital data to inform the ongoing development of housing policy.  The key output of the summary is the net need figure, which is the number of qualified households on each local authority housing list who remain eligible for social housing support and whose housing need has not been met. The Minister has directed that the summary be prepared with a ‘counting date’ of 4th November 2024.

 In order to fulfil the requirements of the SSHA 2024, Cork City Council has recently written to all qualified households identified as being in need of reassessment. The process, as in previous years, excludes certain applicants from having to be contacted for this year’s exercise. The following households have not been contacted as they do not require reassessment at this time:

* Households who qualified for support for the first time since 5th July 2023.
* Households who were reassessed as part of the 2023 Summary Social Housing Assessment.
* Households who are currently housed under the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) scheme.
* Households who are currently housed under the Rental Accommodation Scheme (RAS).
* Households who have applied for a transfer from an existing form of social housing support, e.g., an existing tenant of a Cork City Council or an Approved Housing Body property.

If you have received a letter and review form, you must ensure that the completed form and documentation are returned before 13th September 2024.

If you require further information, please read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document below or contact the Housing Allocations Section at (021) 492 4000.

SSHA-2024-Frequently-Asked-Questions.pdf (size 143.8 KB)

SSHA-2024-Accessing-Information-From-Revenue.pdf (size 129.5 KB)