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Cork City Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy


The Climate Action Plan 2023 (CAP23) has set targets for a significant reduction in transport emissions to include a 20% reduction in total vehicle kilometres, a reduction in fuel usage, and a significant uptake in sustainable transport trips and a shift towards active and sustainable travel modes. CAP23 acknowledges that fleet electrification forms a key part in terms of delivering these targets, with 30% of the private car fleet to be electrified by 2030.

Cork City Council’s Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy has been prepared to support the fleet electrification targets as identified in CAP23. The Strategy focuses on the delivery of publicly accessible electric vehicle charging infrastructure to allow for the targeted uptake in electric vehicles in Cork City. The strategy makes recommendations with respect to the different types of charging infrastructure required and its spatial distribution within Cork City. The strategy has identified a first wave of infrastructure investment to be designed and constructed before e the end of 2025 which will subsequently be monitored and analysed to refine the delivery of subsequent waves of investment.

Strategic Environmental Assessment

Documentation relating to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Cork City Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy is provided below. The purpose of this SEA was to identify, assess, and mitigate potential likely significant environmental effects associated with the Strategy, and integrate environmental considerations into the preparation, adoption and implementation of the Strategy.

Final Notice Of Adoption

See the strategy documents in Flipping Book format below.