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Public Lighting

Cork City Council are responsible for the maintenance of approximately 25,000 public lights across the city. Public lights are important for ensuring road safety at night and enhancing the public realm of the city. The maintenance of public lights is currently undertaken by Electric Skyline Ltd on behalf of Cork City Council. Every street light is checked for faults during a fortnightly night-time patrol. Standard faults are repaired within 5 working days while non standard repairs may take longer.


To report a light out/faulty lamp in your area within Cork City’s Boundary then please choose from the options below:

  • Submit fault online by CLICKING HERE
  • Call Electric Skyline on +353 (0)21 2066 400, Mon – Fri 8am to 8pm. Sat 8am to 6pm
  • Call Cork City Council’s Out of Hours / Emergency Contact Number on +353 (0)21 496 6512 outside the above hours

To determine if the faulty Public Light is within Cork City’s Boundary, please check the location on the Cork City interactive Map

If your query relates to Public Lights that are located outside Cork City’s Boundary then please contact Cork County Council’s Website

If your query relates to lights that have not been turned on in a new housing estate or lights in an estate that has not been taken in charge by Cork City Council, please note that this is a matter for the Developer of the estate and your query should be directed to them.


  • Street on which the light is located
  • Asset Id (5 Digit Number) or Pole number

Assit Id   Assit Id               Pole Number

Types of Assit Id                                                                                Pole Number


  • Fault description: e.g. no lighting, light on during day, twisted bracket etc.
  • Any other relevant information (building number, any other landmark information)


Electric Skyline operate an on-call service +353 (0)21 492 4000 for out of hours electrical emergencies to report emergency situations such as road traffic accident or exposed electrical cables related to street lighting assets only. Normalised Public lighting outages should be reported under the Faulty/Out of order section above. ESB Networks are the main contact for any faults related to the ESB distribution system


ESB Networks operate a call save 1850 372 999 number for emergencies / electricity interruptions or to report emergency situations such as fallen power lines etc. ESB Networks will not respond to non - emergency fault reports such as streetlights out of order or foliage blocking streetlights.


Cork City Council’s pre-planning guidance document for public lighting can be downloaded from HERE.


Cork City Council Exterior Lighting Design Requirements, Guidance & Specification Manual for Lighting Equipment Supply, Installation & Maintenance.


Cork City Council’s Taking In Charge document (Rev C) can be downloaded from HERE. This document is required to be completed in full before TIC application can be processed.

Please note the Taking In Charge document (Rev C) supersedes Appendix 12 – Taking In charge in Revision 10 (July-21) of the Cork City Council’s Exterior Lighting Design Requirements document.

Sample Taking In Charge As Built Drawing can be downloaded from HERE. This document gives information details required to be contained within any As Built drawings submitted as part of a Taking In Charge application.