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Roads & Traffic Management Boundary FAQs

I injured myself as a result of falling/ tripping on a public pathway/cover etc in the extended city area. It happened after May 31st 2019. Who do I contact? 

Your claim will be handled by Claims Administration in our Finance section. You are advised to contact Cork City Council's Customer Services line at 021 -492 4444 and they will assign your query to the relevant person in Claims Administration and give you a customer reference number.

I damaged my car in a pothole after May 31– Who will reimburse me for this?

Your claim will be handled by Claims Administration in our Finance section. You are advised to contact Cork City Council's Customer Services line at 021 -492 4444 and they will assign your query to the relevant person in Claims Administration and give you a customer reference number

I’m a regular householder, how do I apply for a Road Opening Licence after May 31st 2019? 

You will need to complete an application form for the relevant licence. 

The application documents are available in the Licences and Forms section of the Roads and Traffic Management section of the website. 

As a utility company, how do I apply for a Road Opening Licence after May 31?

From May 31 2019, Road Opening Licences in the boundary extension area will become the responsibility of Cork City Council. To ensure licence holders within the boundary extension area are working under a valid Road Opening Licence and to minimise disruption to stakeholders, the following actions will apply for applications and licences:

  • New Road Opening Licence applications being made between now (late March) and midnight 30th May, for works in the boundary extension area, must be duplicated to Cork City Council at the time the application is being submitted to Cork County Council.
  • The Cork County Council reference number should be included in the duplicate application in the works location description.
  • Cork County Council will collect application charge only on the road opening applications submitted between now and the 31st May for works in the boundary extension area. Long Term Impact charges will be collected at ‘guarantee period’ stage or after by Cork City Council.
  • All licences granted by Cork County Council in the boundary extension area will be valid until 14th June 2019 i.e. the validity period for these licences will cease on 14/6/19, by the inclusion of a special condition on all licences granted from here on.
  • The front page of the licence will show the end of the validity period as being 3 months from commencement date – but this will be superseded by inclusion of the special condition referred to above.
  • The licence holder is encouraged to complete all works by the 14th June, 2019 so that you can (T5) sign-off the completed excavations.
  • Where works (part of the original application) will be progressing  beyond the 14th June, you must (T5) sign-off the incomplete excavations as “works not done” in order to close out the County Council licence, at which stage the duplicate City Council licence will come into force for the remainder of the validity period of original County Council Licence.

What happens with my existing Road Opening Licence application after May 31?

Existing Road Opening Licences, in the boundary extension area, should be progressed to (T5) sign off stage where appropriate & when fully compliant with the licence conditions and Purple Book guidelines.

Licences issued by Cork County Council for the boundary transfer area having a validity period beyond the 14th June, and where such works will not be completed by close of business on the 14th June, will require a duplicate licence from Cork City Council to enable you to complete the works after the 14th June, under a valid licence.

The applicant must submit the duplicate application to Cork City Council no later than the 6th June, so that Cork City Council can grant a licence for the works to continue beyond 14th June, 2019 (to the end date as per the County Council licence).

An additional application charge will not be payable to Cork City Council for the issuing of any ‘duplicate’ licences referred to above.

Applicants who require information regarding affected applications or licences within the boundary extension area should contact the RMO at

I wish to apply for a scaffolding licence. Who do I contact after May 31?

If it is proposed to locate a hoarding/scaffolding on a public road a Work Method Statement / Traffic Management Plan, which includes the following, must be submitted:

  • Proposed arrangements to ensure minimum impact on traffic flow.
  • Arrangements for site deliveries, including time of day restrictions, vehicle queuing arrangements etc.
  • Provision for storage of materials etc.
  • A non refundable application fee of €150 must accompany each application

The application documents are available in the Licences and Forms section of the Roads and Transportation section of the website. 

I need to apply for an abnormal load permit.  Who deals with these after May 31?

The Engineer in Controls of Roads Works deals with abnormal load permits. Abnormal Load Permit application forms and guidance are available on

I wish to apply for a Temporary Speed Limit whilst undertaking roadworks – Who do I talk to after May 31?

You are advised to contact Cork City Council's Customer Services line at 021 -492 4444 and they will assign your query to the engineer in control of roads works.

I am looking for records of existing services in the Roadway. Do you have these?

After May 31st 2019, you can write to Roads Asset Management & Maintenance, Room 338, City Hall, Cork, enclosing a cheque for €110 and a map of the location.  If you cannot provide a map, one will be generated by the Roads Department.  The total fee will then be €160. 

I wish to apply for a road closure.  Who do I need to talk to about this and any possible diversion routes after May 31?

Any works that impact on the movement of traffic or pedestrians will require the approval of Cork City Council and, in many cases, the approval of An Garda Síochána prior to the work commencing. 

For any works, events, etc that: 

  • Require Traffic Management to be implemented but do not require a road closure, attendance at the weekly Tuesday traffic meeting is essential to discuss the proposed works. A Chapter 8 compliant Traffic Management Plan must be submitted to Cork City Council prior to commencement of the works
  • Require a road closure; attendance at the weekly Tuesday Traffic meeting is essential to discuss the proposed works. An application for a road closure must be made a minimum of 4 weeks in advance of the proposed closure. 

The application documents are available in the Licences and Forms section of the Roads and Transportation section of the website. 

I would like speed ramps in our estate. Who looks after this after May 31st 2019?

Residents can contact a Councillor in their area who will bring the proposal to the relevant Cork City Council committee for evaluation. They can also contact Cork City Council's Customer Services line at 021 -492 4444 and they will log your query and forward it the relevant person.

The line marking has faded on the roadway. Who can I contact to report this to after May 31?

You are advised to contact Cork City Council's Customer Services line at 021 -492 4444 and they will assign your query to the relevant person in Roads and give you a customer reference number.

How do I go about requesting double yellow lines? How should I contact about this after May 31?

You are advised to contact Cork City Council's Customer Services line at 021 -492 4444 and they will assign your query to the relevant person in Roads and give you a customer reference number.

I hold a disabled badge and would like to have a disabled parking bay put in outside my house – how do I apply for this after May 31?

You are advised to contact Cork City Council's Customer Services line at 021 -492 4444 and they will assign your query to the relevant person in Roads and give you a customer reference number. The applicant will be contacted by an engineer to gather further information and make an assessment.

For consideration to be given to the request, the following must apply:

  • The applicant must hold a valid disabled parking permit – copy of back and front required
  • The applicant must have a vehicle registered to their address – copy of logbook required
  • The applicant must have no off road parking i.e. private grounds for parking
  • In the case of multiple applicants in the same area. It is one disabled bay for every 20 houses subject to sufficient space etc.

There is a damaged/ missing sign/ delineators – who do I report this to after May 31? 

You are advised to contact Cork City Council's Customer Services line at 021 -492 4444 and they will assign your query to the relevant person in Roads Maintenance and give you a customer reference number.

The signage on the road is not in Irish or isn’t correct. Who deals with this after May 31?

You are advised to contact Cork City Council's Customer Services line at 021 -492 4444 and they will assign your query to the relevant person in Roads Control inspectorate and give you a customer reference number

The street lights are not working – who do I report this to after May 31st 2019?

If you wish to report a light out of order in your area there are a number of options below:

If your query relates to lights that have not been turned on in a new housing estate or lights in an estate that has not been taken in charge by Cork City Council please note that this is a matter for the developer of the estate and your query should be directed to them. 

For defects to hardware eg, rotten poles that need replacement, unstable pole eg after car crash, relocating pole:

  • You are advised to contact Cork City Council Customer Services line at 021 -492 4444 and they will assign your query to the relevant person in Roads and Transportation and give you a customer reference number.

When logging a fault please have the following information available:

  1. The street on which the light is located.
  2. The number of the pole, building number or other landmark the pole is outside.
  3. A description of the fault, eg. No lighting, lighting on during the day, twisted bracket

If your query relates to lights that have not been turned on in a new housing estate or lights in an estate that has not been taken in charge by Cork City Council, please note  this is a matter for the developer of the estate and your query should be directed to them. 

ESB Networks operate a callsave 1850 372 999 number for emergencies / electricity interruptions or to report emergency situations such as fallen power lines etc. ESB Networks will not respond to non - emergency fault reports such as street lights out of order or foliage blocking street lights.

How do I obtain a salt bin for our estate after May 31st 2019?

Many community groups request supplies of salt so that they themselves can treat problematic areas. Cork City Council will make salt available to community groups. We supply one ton salt bags. It is the responsibility of community groups to supply a bin or secure location for the salt.

If community groups are interested in the above please fill out the Salt Distribution Application Form.

What are the salting routes and how do I get our road/ estate put on the list after May 31?

Cork City Council has defined salting routes which prioritise main traffic routes, bus routes and other areas such as those adjacent to hospitals and schools for winter maintenance season which runs from mid October to mid April.  The existing salting routes in the transfer area will be included in the salting routes which will be listed on our website on the following link:

Where will you be road surface dressing after May 31st 2019?

For 2019, no surface dressing works are planned for the Transfer Area as the majority of the roads are not surface dressed but asphalt surfaced and a condition assessment already carried out by Cork City Council has determined there not to be a requirement within the Transfer Area for 2019.

What restoration improvement works are being undertaken after May 31?

Restoration Improvement works in future will be selected based on need and presented to Cork City Council. The 2019 restoration improvement works have been selected. Local communities will be informed through a letter drop prior to start of the works.

How do I get our damaged footpaths on the Footpath Program after May 31?

You are advised to contact Cork City Council's Customer Services line at 021 -492 4444 and they will assign your query to the relevant person in Footpath Renewal and give you a customer reference number.

Is where I live a private or a public Roadway? How do I find out after May 31?

You can write to Roads Asset Management & Maintenance, Room 338, City Hall, Cork, enclosing a cheque for €110 and a map of the location.  If you don’t provide a map, the fee is €160. 

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