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Daly's (Shakey) Bridge Scheme

Dalys Bridge
Project Completed

Daly’s Bridge, known locally as the “Shakey Bridge”, is a single-span steel suspension bridge which spans the north channel of the River Lee in Cork City. It provides pedestrian access between Sunday’s Well to the north and Fitzgerald’s Park and Ferry Walk in the Mardyke area to the south. Completed in 1926 and opened in 1927, it was constructed by the London-based David Rowell & Company of Westminster in London to a specification of Stephen W. Farrington, the then Cork City Engineer. It was then, and still is the only suspension bridge in Cork City. Daly’s Bridge is included on Cork City Council’s Record of Protected Structures and is recorded on the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage where it has Artistic, Historical, Social and Technical categories of special interest, and a Regional significance rating.

Works Extent

  • Phased dismantling of the latticed deck for removal off-site for grit-blasting, repair & repainting followed by phased reinstatement;
  • Replacement of timber decking;
  • In-situ repair and repainting of existing lattice towers;
  • Replacement of suspension cables;
  • Upgrade of approach ramps including railings, surfacing and landscaping;
  • Removal and repair of cast iron railings (south bank);
  • Installation of new public lighting to approach ramps and bridge structure.


Start: Works commenced in August 2019.

Finish: Project completed in Q3 2021.

For further information please contact  Dan O'Sullivan, Senior Executive Engineer at email

Daly's Bridge
Daly's Bridge