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Douglas Flood Relief Scheme (including Togher Culvert)

Douglas Flood Relief Scheme (inc Togher Culvert)
Project Completed

Works Extent

The Douglas Flood Relief Scheme (including Togher Culvert) consists of flood relief works in the townlands of Ardarrig, Ballybrack, Castletreasure, Douglas and Togher, and was granted planning permission by An Bord Pleanála in November 2017.

The proposed work for each scheme area is outlined below:


The Douglas works contract included works in five distinct geographical areas as follows: St. Patricks Mills, Douglas Community Park, Ravensdale, Ballybrack Woods, and upstream of Donnybrook Commercial Centre. The proposed works include the construction of new flood defence walls (reinforced concrete and precast elements), reconstruction of existing bridges, new reinforced concrete culverts, drainage and utility diversions, road regrading, hard and soft landscaping. This contract was carried out by McGinty & O’Shea Ltd. and substantial completion was granted in early March 2021.


The Togher works were split into two contracts, the Togher Services Diversions Contract and the Togher Main Works Contract.

The Services Diversions Contract was an enabling works package along Togher Road to facilitate construction of the future culvert under the road. This included the diversion of a major 600mm diameter watermain, foul sewers, minor watermains, various telecoms and gas networks, as well as modifying the existing road drainage. This contract was carried out by Ward & Burke Construction Ltd. and was completed in August 2020.

The Togher Main Works Contract includes the construction of a new 675m long culvert, a new trash screen, overflow channel, retaining wall at the outlet and road drainage measures. In addition, this contract also includes public realm enhancements along, and on approach to Togher Road, for which a separate Part 8 planning approval was granted by Cork City Council in March 2020.  The contract was awarded to McGinty & O'Shea in May 2021 and the construction work started on site in June 2021. 



  • Construction of new flood defence walls (reinforced concrete and precast elements),
  • Reconstruction of existing bridges, new reinforced concrete culverts, drainage and utility diversions, road regrading, hard and soft landscaping.


  • Construction of a new 675m long culvert, a new trash screen, overflow channel, retaining wall at the outlet and road drainage measures.
  • Public realm enhancements along and on approach to Togher Road.


Start: The Togher Main Works Contract commenced in June 2021.

Finish: The Togher Main Works Contract was completed in December 2022.

For further information please contact Roslyn McCarthy, Senior Executive Engineer at email

Douglas Flood Relief Scheme including Tohger Culvert

Douglas Flood Relief Scheme including Togher Culvert