Works Extent
This scheme encompasses MacCurtain Street, Coburg Street, St. Patrick's Quay, Anderson Quay, Merchant's Quay and surrounding areas.
As part of the proposed scheme, MacCurtain Street is now converted back to two-way movement to improve local access to the street, while eastbound through traffic is diverted along the quays. These changes will improve accessibility for pedestrians (slower vehicular speeds), cyclists and public transport users and will have a transformational effect on MacCurtain Street itself facilitating a pedestrian friendly atmosphere along expanded, newly planted pavements. For further information please follow link: MacCurtain Street Public Transport Improvement Scheme
- The overall objective of this project is to deliver a comprehensive transport strategy for the north quays and contiguous areas, that, consistent with the CMATS, provides a framework for transport provision to support the development of this area in the medium and long term.
- The re-allocation of roadspace on the city centre streets to ensure a more appropriate balance between the different transport modes serving the city and provide travelers to the city with a greater choice of travel mode.
- The management of through traffic within the central city streets, this will act to improve the environment for all users including public transport users, pedestrians and cyclists.
Start: Construction Commenced Q4 2021.
Finish: Construction Complete Q4 2023.
For further information please contact Shane Mackey, A/Senior Executive Engineer at email shane_mackey@corkcity.ie