Works Extent
The provision of Low Cost Pedestrian Safety Intervention Schemes at various locations around the city as follows:
Vicar’s Road: Pedestrian crossing to facilitate access to COPE Foundation;
Ringmahon Road: Pedestrian crossing to facilitate access to Scoil na Criosa Naofa Primary School;
Dublin Hill: Raised tables and tabletops to prioritise pedestrians at junctions;
Rathmore Road: Upgraded footpaths throughout and tabletop at entrance to Thomas Kent Park;
St. Patrick’s Road: Shorten pedestrian crossing distances at junction of St. Patrick’s Road, Congress Road and Murphy’s Garden. Install new pedestrian crossing on St. Patrick’s Road;
Popham’s Road: Upgrade the footpath outside the shops to make it more accessible to vulnerable road users;
Alderbrook: Provide pedestrian link from the estate to the junction of the Airport Road and Frankfield Road.
- Enhance pedestrian connectivity between settlements, employment hubs, educational facilities and public transport services;
- Improve safety for vulnerable road users;
- New and upgraded footpaths;
- New controlled and uncontrolled pedestrian crossings;
- New road markings and signage.
Start: The Pedestrian Safety Interventions Scheme 2020 Part 1 is complete. Works are complete at Vicars Road, Ringmahon Road and Dublin Hill and at Rathmore Road.
The Pedestrian Safety Interventions Scheme 2020 Part 2 consists of St. Patrick’s Road, Popham's Road and Alderbrook.
Finish: Construction of the Pedestrian Safety Interventions Scheme 2020 both Part 1 and Part 2 is now complete.
For further information please contact Eoin O'Riordan, Executive Engineer at email eoin_oriordan@corkcity.ie