Project Completed
Works Extent
This is a continuation of Phase 1 and Phase 2 projects along Skehard Road and will conclude the renewal works in upgrading the length of Skehard Road between Church Road and Mahon Link Road, including a junction upgrade at Bessboro Road Junction. The total scheme length along Skehard Road is 620m - not including works on Bessboro Road and the Oakdene access.
- Enhanced facilities for all modes especially pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users;
- Improved pedestrian facilities along and between desire lines within the project area;
- Provision of cycle facilities in accordance with the network identified in Cork Metropolitan Area Transport Study and the Cork Cycle Network Study;
- Expansion of the existing bus lane infrastructure including bus priority control measures to improve current bus journey times and reliability.
Start: December 2020.
Finish: December 2021.
For further information please contact Niamh O'Brien, Senior Executive Engineer at email niamh_obrien@corkcity.ie