Project Completed
Wyse's Bridge is a single span masonry arch bridge located approximately 7km northwest of Cork City on the L2796 Blarney Road. The structure carries vehicular and pedestrian traffic over the River Bride and comprises of a segmental-headed arch with limestone voussoirs and sandstone spandrels and wing walls.
Works Extent
- Clean existing stonework and rebuild/repair damaged sections of masonry;
- Repair/rebuild southern arch ring and re-attach to arch barrel;
- Repair circumferential crack in arch barrel;
- Construct new parapets and approach walls;
- Resurface bridge carriageway and approaches.
The objectives of the works are:
- Restore the overall structural integrity of the bridge;
- Improve road safety through the construction of new bridge parapets and approach walls.
Start: Consultant appointed November 2021.
Finish: Anticipated completion dates
Completion of Design |
April 2022 |
Contractor Appointment |
June 2022 |
Works Completion |
October 2022 |
For further information please contact Dan O'Sullivan, Senior Executive Engineer at email dan_osullivan@corkcity.ie