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Airport Road (N27) Improvement Scheme

Airport Road (N27) Improvement Scheme
Planning/Design Phase

Works Extent

Cork City Council intends to upgrade the existing Kinsale Road (N27) on the Airport Hill between the Kinsale Road Roundabout and the Airport Roundabout.


The scheme is primarily a resurfacing project which will upgrade the existing carriageway and cycle lanes.  The completion of the proposed road improvement scheme will improve the road infrastructure for all road users.  The scheme measures approximately 3km in length.  Phase II of the scheme will include upgrade to pedestrian and cycling facilities, new footpath construction and provision of segregated cycleway from Ballycurreen Junction to Airport Roundabout.


Phase II of the design is progressing with construction anticipated to commence in mid 2024.

For further information please contact Con O'Flynn, Executive Engineer at email 

Airport Road (N27) Improvement Scheme
Airport Road (N27) Improvement Scheme