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Clarkes Hill and Coach Hill Improvement Scheme

Clarke's Hill & Coach Hill Improvement Scheme
Planning/Design Phase

Works Extents

Cork City Council intends to upgrade the existing L2471 Clarkes Hill & L2472 Coach Hill.


The scheme is an extensive Urban Road Improvement Project that will include the introduction of extended and upgraded footpaths, cycle facilities, public lighting, bus set-down facilities, road widening and surfacing and all associated works.  Land acquisition will be necessary to deliver this scheme.  The completion of the proposed improvement scheme will improve the infrastructure for all road users with a specific emphasis on facilities for pedestrians and local bus service users.  The scheme measures approximately 1.8 km in length.


Cork City Council intends to progress the detailed design, planning and land acquisition in 2024 with construction to follow thereafter.

For further information please contact Gillian O'Sullivan, Senior Executive Engineer at email

Clarkes Hill and Coach Hill Improvement Scheme
Clarkes Hill and Coach Hill Improvement Scheme