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Glen Ryan and Cattle Market Area Active Travel Improvement Works

Glen Ryan and Cattle Market Area Active Travel Improvement Works
Planning/Design Phase

Works Extent

Cork City Council, in conjunction with the National Transport Authority, intends to provide significantly improved Active Travel infrastructure in the Glen Ryan and Cattle Market area.

There are numerous wide, undefined junctions in the Glen Ryan and Cattle Market area with large corner radii or paved areas that prioritise vehicular traffic and higher vehicle speeds.  The current pedestrian provision is below current design standards with no crossings, insufficient lighting, large crossing widths and, along one section, no footpath.

The purpose of the scheme is to improve pedestrian and cyclist safety at junctions and increase the inter-visibility between users.  This is achieved through the re-allocation of road space to footpath provision by creating build-outs and horizontal deflections and installing pedestrian crossings at junctions.  Traffic calming will be introduced to reduce traffic volume and speeds to create Mixed Traffic streets.  Improved public lighting and new public realm areas with planting will provide added benefits to the project and the local community.

The scheme will extend along Cattle Market Avenue, Glen Ryan Road, St. Theresa's Road and Mary Aikenhead Place, over a total distance of approximately 630m.

The key features of the proposed development are:

  • Junction re-alignments and improvements at the junctions of Fair Street, Wolfe Tone Street, Old Market Place, Nicholas Well Lane, Upper Cattle Market Street, Boyce's Street and Ballymacthomas Street;
  • New and widened footpaths to provide a continuous footpath provision;
  • Public realm upgrades in the Glen Ryan and Cattle Market area;
  • Change of the speed limit to 30km/hr on Cattle Market Avenue and Glen Ryan Road;
  • Provision of traffic calming to establish Mixed Traffic Streets with improved facilities for pedestrian and cyclists;
  • Provision of new uncontrolled pedestrian crossings;
  • New public street lighting;
  • New road markings and signage; and
  • Other necessary associated works.


  • Create an environment which will encourage modal shift to sustainable forms of transport;
  • Provide safe conditions for all pedestrians, cyclists and road users; and
  • Enhance the public realm along the scheme.


Section 38 has been approved.

A topographical survey has been undertaken and the Detailed Design is progressing.

For further information please contact Gordon O'Donovan, Executive Engineer at email

Glen Ryan and Cattle Market Area Active Travel Improvement Works
Glen Ryan and Cattle Market Area Active Travel Improvement Works
Glen Ryan and Cattle Market Area Active Travel Improvement Works
Glen Ryan and Cattle Market Area Active Travel Improvement Works