Planning/Design Phase
Works Extent
Curraheen Road from west of Melbourn Road to Junction with N40. Active Travel Improvement Measures to be included at Rossa Avenue, Allendale Avenue and Foxford Avenue.
- Upgrade of the existing pedestrian crossing located at Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh and installation of new Toucan crossing at Curraheen Walkway;
- Installation of upgraded pedestrian crossing facilities, including raised tables and tactile crossing points at side road junctions along Curraheen Road between Bridgefield Grove and Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh;
- Improvement works to the Rossa Avenue junction incorporating pedestrian and cycle safety measures;
- Installation of segregated cycle lanes;
- Adjustments to the existing road layout, including lining, parking, etc.;
- Enhancement to the existing facilities on Rossa Avenue;
- Active Travel enhancement at Allendale Avenue and Foxford Avenue.
Start: Design Phase Commenced September 2021.
Finish: Section 38 approved early 2022 with Detailed Design ongoing.
Preliminary Design of Active Travel Measures at Allendale Avenue and Foxford Avenue ongoing.
For further information please contact Brendan O'Leary, A/Senior Executive Engineer at email brendan_oleary@corkcity.ie