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Kerry Pike Pedestrian Improvement Scheme

Kerry Pike Pedestrian Improvement Scheme
Planning/Design Phase

Works Extent

Kerry Pike Village, extending along the L2279.


The proposed Kerry Pike Pedestrian Improvement Scheme aims:

  • To provide new footpaths and improved crossing facilities to allow pedestrians to access their community and local amenities;
  • Enhanced pedestrian connectivity in the village for pedestrians of all ages;
  • Provision of facilities that will encourage commuters, residents and students to use sustainable modes of transport and reduce local car-based journeys for short trips.


Design Phase for options completed Q4 2023.

Part 8 Planning expected to commence in Q1 2024.

For further information please contact Michael Frawley, Senior Executive Engineer at email

Kerry Pike Pedestrian Improvement Scheme
Kerry Pike Pedestrian Improvement Scheme

Kerry Pike Pedestrian Improvement Scheme
Kerry Pike Pedestrian Improvement Scheme