Works Extent
Knockpogue Avenue and Knockfree Avenue are largely residential areas which also host a wide variety of public buildings and amenities. These include the Churchfield Allotments, Sam Allen playing pitches, Parochial Hall, Leisureworld, Farranferris Green, Bride Valley Park, Church of the Resurrection, Credit Union commercial premises, Presentation Sisters Convent as well as three schools.
It is proposed to connect these facilities and residential areas with continuous pedestrian facilities comprising footpaths, controlled and uncontrolled crossings, high quality cycle infrastructure, public lighting and traffic calming measures along Knockpogue Avenue and Knockfree Avenue along the 1.4 km stretch of road. The removal of the existing roundabouts and replacement with signalised controlled crossing will improve safety and convenience of all vulnerable road users.
The key features of the proposed development are:
- Provision of 1.4 km of cycle tracks and cycle lanes at both sides of Knockpogue Avenue and Knockfree Avenue between Bride Valley Park and Sunvalley Drive;
- Replacement of the following three roundabouts along Knockpogue Avenue and Knockfree Avenue with signalised junctions:
- Roundabout at the junction of Knockpogue Avenue and Fairfield Avenue;
- Roundabout at the junction of Knockpogue Avenue, Knockfree Avenue and Fairhill;
- Roundabout at the junction of Knockfree Avenue, Sunvalley Drive, St. Colmcille's Road and Gurranabraher Road.
- Modification to the layout of the junction between Knockpogue Avenue and Fairfield Road;
- Upgrading of public lighting;
- Road resurfacing works along the scheme including new road markings and signage;
- Other necessary associated works.
- Create an environment which will encourage modal shift to sustainable forms of transport;
- Provide safe conditions for all pedestrians, cyclists and road users;
- Enhance the public realm along the scheme;
- Expand overall cycle network.
Cork City Council is progressing the Detailed Design of this infrastructure project with construction to follow in 2025.
For further information please contact David Fitzpatrick, Executive Engineer at email david_fitzpatrick@corkcity.ie