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Lee to Sea Greenway

Lee to Sea Greenway
Planning/Design Phase

Works Extent

Cork City Council will develop the Lee to Sea Greenway project from the city/county administrative boundary on the Inniscarra Road to the west through the city and re-joining the existing Greenway parallel to the Rochestown Road to the east.

The preferred route may utilise other existing or planned facilities such as those being provided as part of the Lower Lee Flood Relief Scheme or the Passage Railway Greenway project or other cycle schemes within the study area if deemed appropriate. 


The Lee to Sea Greenway is a proposal for a continuous, world class, universally designed greenway along the River Lee valley, from Inniscarra Dam, through Cork city and around Cork Harbour to the coast, finishing at Crosshaven.  Walkers, runners, leisure and commuting cyclists of all ages and abilities will all be able to enjoy and benefit from the picturesque, accessible and safe greenway.

The Greenway will be a major contribution to Cork’s 2040 Strategy and Ireland’s Our Plan 2040 to significantly grow Cork city and metropolitan area alike.  By promoting sustainable and active travel, and alleviating vehicular congestion, this Greenway route will be a great regional asset, a tourism draw and will  contribute to making Cork a more vibrant, connected, competitive and sustainable European city.


Multi-disciplinary design team have been appointed.

Phase 1 Scope and Purpose - Completed.

Phase 2 Concept Development and Option Selection - Est Complete Q2 2025.

For further information please contact Shane Mackey, A/Senior Executive Engineer at email

Lee to Sea Greenway
Lee to Sea Greenway
Lee to Sea Proposed Study Area
Lee to Sea Proposed Study Area