Works Extent
The lands adjoining the Lehenaghmore Road (L2455) and Togher Road (L2454) have been significantly developed over recent years. Residential estates such as Matthew Hill, Coolkellure, Manor Park, Aisling Court, etc. have all resulted in a higher demand for improved transport infrastructure between Lehenaghmore and the broader City with particular demands for improved public transportation services and safe active travel infrastructure.
A comprehensive review and redesign of the affected roads was undertaken following the transfer of this area into Cork City Council’s administrative responsibility. This review includes environmental, ecological, pedestrian/cyclist, site investigation and topographical surveys.
Cork City Council with the assistance of the National Transport Authority incorporated a number of CMATS recommendations into the proposed new road layout. These proposals prioritise investment in sustainable transportation to enable the city to achieve growth of the type and scale anticipated.
Part 8 Planning was received in February 2021.
Subject to An Bord Pleanála approval and available funding:
Tender for Construction Contract Q4 2024.
Construction Q2/Q3 2025.
For further information please contact Paul Martin, Executive Engineer at email paul_martin@corkcity.ie