Works Extent
Cork City Council intends to deliver Active Travel Improvement Measures in the Glasheen/Wilton Area. The aim is to upgrade connectivity between existing pedestrian/cycling facilities at Schoolboys Lane, Clashduv Road, Sarsfield Road and CUH (modal filter off Wilton Road).
The project aims to:
- Deliver safe, coherent, attractive, high-quality pedestrian and cycling routes linking Sarsfield Road to Clashduv (east-west link) and Clashduv/Togher Area to Glasheen Road (north-south link);
- Deliver safe, coherent, attractive, high-quality pedestrian and cycling routes linking CUH, Schoolboys Lane and the Clashduv/Togher area;
- Enhance access and connectivity to trip generators that include Wilton Shopping Centre, Cork University Hospital, Bon Secours Hospital and University College Cork;
- Upgrade junctions within the project area to bring in line with DMURS. This includes junction tightening, altering a number from priority to signalised with toucan crossings and associated road signage, raised table crossings, road markings, bollards, tactile paving, kerbing and traffic signalling if required, etc.;
- Provision of high-quality landscaping in keeping with the project aim of protecting and enhancing the natural heritage, green space and biodiversity of the area;
- Provision of high-quality surfaces on cycle tracks and footpaths to ensure comfort and safety for cyclists and pedestrians;
- Create an environment which will encourage modal shift to sustainable forms of transport;
- Enhance the quality of life for residents in the area through development of high-quality interconnected active travel links;
- Expand the overall cycle network;
- Reduce traffic volumes on the road network.
A Consulting Engineer led Multi-Disciplinary Design Team was appointed in Q4 2023. Currently (Q1 2024), the project is at Phase 2 - Concept Development and Options Selection. There will be engagement with local stakeholders and public consultation in due course - likely Q4 2024/ Q1 2025.
Construction is estimated to commence in late 2025.
For further information please contact Brendan O'Leary, A/Senior Executive Engineer at email brendan_oleary@corkcity.ie