Planning/Design Phase
Works Extent
Route selection for a proposed new road between the N27 and Sarsfield Road with the potential to also link to the N71 via Lehanaghmore and Spur Hill and could also provide enhanced connectivity to Cork Airport with a potential secondary access point.
- Progress the Cork Southern Distributor Link Multi-modal Route through Phases 1 and 2 of the project as set out in the National Transport Authority's Project Management and Cost Management Guidelines and Phases 0-1 of the Departments of Public Expenditure and Reform’s Public Spending Code 2019.
- Carry out the Options Appraisal Process to select a preferred route for the Cork Southern Distributor Link Multi-modal Route with emphasis on sustainable transport infrastructure.
- Identify the preferred route for the proposed road thereby providing certainty with regard to the planned development of adjoining areas.
Strategic Assessment report is currently awaiting Department approval. Selection of Emerging Preferred Route to follow subject to Department approval..
For further information please contact Michael Frawley, Senior Executive Engineer at email michael_frawley@corkcity.ie