Planning/Design Phase
Works Extent
Phase 1 of the Viaduct to City Cycle route will provide a high quality and direct route for pedestrians and cyclists between the City Centre, Lehenaghmore and Eagle Valley. Various improvement measures to the greenway are recommended including the widening of the existing route, the provision of lighting, renovation of the railway bridges and the improvement of access to the greenway.
- Enhance the public realm and improve the level of service for users of the Cork City to Viaduct Greenway;
- Create/support an environmental corridor to contain and connect natural areas, open spaces and scenic or other resources which will provide an avenue for wildlife movement, protection of natural resources and green space buffers for humans.
2026 Subject to planning consent, acquisition of required lands, funding approvals, etc.
For further information please contact Paul Martin, Executive Engineer at email paul_martin@corkcity.ie