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Ballybrack Valley Pedestrian & Cycle Route Phase 4A

Ballybrack Valley Pedestrian and Cycle Route Phase 4A
Under Construction

Works Extent

Phase 4 involves the construction of circa 2.1 km of 4m wide pedestrian and cycle path connecting the recently completed Ballybrack Valley Pedestrian and Cycle Track Phases 2 & 3 with Maryborough Hill and proposed new residential developments along the route.  Construction on Phase 4A commenced in August 2023 and has also incorporated the recently approved Section 38 comprising of the linkage between Maryborough Woods and the pumping station site in Berkeley.  The project will provide significantly improved facilities for cyclists and pedestrians along the greenway route and improve its' amenity value and include for the:

  • Provision of cyclist and pedestrian infrastructure at Maryborough Woods, R609 Carrigaline Road and Berkeley;
  • Construction of new 4m wide shared use path from Berkeley through the Irish Water pump station site and from Maryborough Ridge to Maryborough Hill;
  • Upgrading of existing paths identified along the route;
  • Controlled toucan crossing, zebra crossings and uncontrolled raised table crossings;
  • Public Lighting Upgrades.


  • Enhance connectivity for pedestrian and cyclists;
  • Provide a safe and direct off road route for commuters, school and leisure users;
  • Create an environment which will encourage modal shift to sustainable forms of transport;
  • Improve quality of life for residents in the area;
  • Expand overall cycle network;
  • Reduce traffic volumes on the road network.


Start: Construction commenced in August 2023.

Finish: Construction due for completion in late Q1 2023.

Please see section "Project in Planning/Design Phase" for details of other projects within the scheme. 

For further information please contact Grainne Morgan, Senior Executive Engineer at email

R609 Carrigaline Road to Maryborough Woods Junction
R609 Carrigaline Road to Maryborough Woods Junction

Berkeley looking southwards toward Ballybrack Phase 3/Entrance to Pumping Station site
Berkeley looking southwards toward Ballybrack Phase 3/Entrance to Pumping Station site