Under Construction
Works Extent
This scheme involves a suite of projects to improve the accessibility, sustainability, capacity and safety of the transport network in the Glanmire, Riverstown and Sallybrook areas. The Contract 1 of this scheme comprises the completion of works at Church Hill Junction, Glanmire Bridge/Village and L2998 Dunkettle Road North (Glanmire Bridge to Woodville):
- Project 1 - Church Hill Junction: Junction upgrading works involve the provision of a dedicated right-turn lane from the R639 Road into Church Hill, a 3m wide shared use pedestrian and cycle path along the north side of the road connecting the new pedestrian access to Colaiste an Phiarsaigh with the new toucan crossing near the Glanmire Business Park and 2 no. bus lay-bys.
- Project 3 - Improvements to Glanmire Bridge/Village: Works include continuation of the 3m wide shared pedestrian and cycle path from toucan crossing and bus lay-by constructed as part of Project 1 along the south side of the R639 road, provision of 3m wide shared pedestrian and cycle path along the north side of the L2998 Dunkettle Road in the vicinity of the bridge and the south side of the East Cliff Road as far as the entrance to the Irish Water Pump Station. Improvement of footpaths and pedestrian crossings in the area.
- Project 9A - L2998 Upgrade of Dunkettle Road North (Glanmire Bridge to Woodville) with the continuation of the 3m wide shared pedestrian and cycle path on the north side of the road and 2m wide footpath on the south from the end point of Project 3 to the junction at Ballinglanna Housing Development. Works also include the provision of 2m wide footpath and 3m wide cycle track on the east side of L2998 Dunkettle Road, and 2m wide footpath on the west side in the section between the junction at Ballinglanna and Woodville.
- Improve the local road network as it is congested, substandard in places and has poor connectivity;
- Provide a sustainable alternative route for commuters, school and leisure users;
- Encourage a greater use of cycling for trips to work, school, recreation and leisure;
- Improve quality of life for residents and businesses in the area;
- Enhance connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists;
- Expand overall cycle network;
- Reduce traffic volumes on the road network.
Start: Construction Commenced in February 2022.
Finish: Construction completed April 2023.
Please see section "Projects in Planning/Design Phase" for details of other projects within the scheme.
For further information please contact Grainne Morgan, Senior Executive Engineer at email grainne_morgan@corkcity.ie