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Innishmore Ballincollig Active Travel Improvement Works

Innishmore Ballincollig Active Travel Improvement Works
Under Construction

Works Extent

Innishmore, Ballincollig, between its junction with the R608 Main Street and Ballincollig Community School.

It is proposed to provide segregated cycle lanes on Innishmore, connecting to a proposed two-way cycle lane on the west-east between Innishmore Drive and Ballincollig Community School.  A Toucan crossing will link the two and provide a dedicated crossing point for pedestrians.


To provide safe and connected segregated cycle lanes on Innishmore and improved pedestrian crossing facilities.  These facilities will encourage commuters, residents and students to use sustainable modes of transport and reduce local car-based journeys for short trips to Ballincollig Regional Park, schools and businesses.


Preliminary Design and Planning completed in Q3 2022.

Detailed Design Q2 2023.

Construction started Q3 2023, expected to be completed by end of Q1 2024.

For further information please contact Shane Mackey, A/Senior Executive Engineer at email

Innishmore Ballincollig Active Travel Improvement Works
Innishmore Ballincollig Active Travel Improvement Works

Innishmore Ballincollig Active Travel Improvement Works
Innishmore Ballincollig Active Travel Improvement Works