Enterprise Ireland: Enterprise Ireland is the government organisation responsible for the development and growth of Irish enterprises in world markets. Enterprise Ireland work in partnership with Irish enterprises to help them start, grow, innovate and win export sales in global markets. In this way, Enterprise Ireland support sustainable economic growth, regional development and secure employment.
Business Organisations
Cork City is home to a variety of business organisations which offer collaboration and learning opportunities to help Cork City businesses grow develop and collaborate.
Cork Chamber Is a private non-profit organisation whose mission is to champion, promote and drive a strong vision for Cork as the best place for business. A thriving place driven by a successful, progressive and influential membership. Cork Chamber provides a number of services for our 1,200 member companies who employ over 100,000 people.
Cork Business Association: Cork Business Association Provides a personal one to one advisory and support service to all our members, as well as representing their interests by lobbying key stakeholders in Cork city. Cork Business Association has an Executive consisting of leading business figures from around the city and four working committees with a focus on: Infrastructure, Transport & Finance; Security & Environment; Social, Communications, Tourism; & Membership.
IBEC: Ibec is Ireland’s largest lobby and business representative group who's southwest regional office is located in Cork . IBEC's purpose is to help build a better, sustainable future by influencing, supporting and delivering for business success. With over 250 employees, IBEC engages with key stakeholders in Ireland and internationally through our six regional offices and our Brussels office, along with an extensive international network in the UK and US. IBEC positions are shaped by our diverse membership, which range from small to large, domestic to multinational and our 40 trade associations cover a wide range of industry sectors. IBEC members employ over 70% of the private sector workforce in Ireland. As well as lobbying, Ibec provides a wide range of professional services and management training to members on all aspects of human resource management, occupational health and safety, employee relations and employment law
Network Ireland: Network Ireland is a not for profit national organisation for women in business, the professions and the arts, with over eight branches throughout Ireland, formed nationally over 30 years ago in 1983. It encourages women to achieve more satisfying careers and promotes women as worthy contributors to the Irish economy. It liaises with national and international organisations and creates links with Government and State bodies
Network Ireland Cork Branch, which is one of the most successful branches, organises monthly events for members and guests which help inform, educate, motivate and support our members, both personally and in their businesses. Members can develop and pool their individual skills through interaction with other women in a supportive environment which offers, training, mentoring and an opportunity for women who call on other members with specialist expertise for help. It also provides a forum for established women to develop professional contacts.